This was our third home we have had the pleasure to work with this client on and all of them different. The location and apartment in this case was the hero and it was our job to accentuate that rather than overshadow.
The colour palate was chosen specifically to accentuate the colours in the extensive stonework as well as the wide ocean views.
The curved sofa & rug were custom templated to maximize the space in front of the column and compliment the beauty of the spiral staircase. This fluidity strongly influenced the selection of many of the other furniture pieces, in fact anything of either square or rectangular form was used sparingly.
We had the opportunity to commission some really unique pieces, our favourite being the coffee table which appears to be a stone conical top balancing precariously on a timber plinth. In all honesty there are so many elements to this apartment that I absolutely love, I feel it best to let the images speak for themselves!